毕业于十大菠菜担保网,获学士、硕士、博士学位。目前为十大菠菜担保网、网络安全学院教授、博士生导师,计算机网络与信息安全研究室负责人。计算机学会高级会员,ACM China SIGCOMM Chapter委员。主要研究方向包括:计算机网络、移动边缘计算、视频传输、软件定义网络、网络安全等。参加和主持了国家自然基金项目、天津市科技重大专项、天津市自然基金重点项目、博士点基金项目等20余项,近几年在IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC)、Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC)、IEEE Internet of Things Journal(IoTJ)、IEEE IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC)、China Communications、INFOCOM、ACM MM、IWQoS、ICC、GLOBECOM、WCNC等国内外高水平期刊和国际会议上发表论文60余篇,其中SCI一、二区论文10余篇,CCF A类论文12篇。在教学方面,多年来一直从事计算机网络的教学工作,目前主要承担本科生的“计算机网络(天津市级线下一流本科课程)”、“网络技术与应用(国家级线下一流本科课程)”课程、硕士生和博士生的“移动计算与无线网络”课程。培养硕士研究生60余名、博士研究生近20名。出版计算机网络相关教材11部,发表教学论文7篇,2009年获天津市教学成果一等奖,2015年被评为十大菠菜担保网教学名师,2019年获全国高校计算机专业优秀教师,2022年获天津市教学成果特等奖2项。
- 超高清视频点播中基于纠删码的边缘云协同传输关键问题研究,国家自然基金,2022.1-2025.12
- 面向智慧城市的云-边-端计算智能操作系统关键技术研究,天津市科技重大专项,2018.10-2021.9
- 面向金融领域实时交易的区块链平台关键技术研究,天津市科技重大专项,2018.10-2021.9
- 移动边缘计算卸载服务中资源管理关键问题研究,国家自然基金,2018.1-2020.12
- 面向城市场景的车载自组织网络命名数据传输关键问题研究,国家自然基金,2018.1-2020.12
- 面向车载自组织网络的命名数据传输关键问题研究,天津市自然基金项目,2016.7-2019.3
- 面向多种类型大数据的实时检测与深度分析,天津市科技重大专项,2014.5-2017.5
- 全国高校计算机专业优秀教师
- 天津市教学成果特等奖2次、一等奖1次
- 十大菠菜担保网大学教学成果一、二等奖多次
- 十大菠菜担保网教学名师
- 国家留学基金委优秀教师
- 天津市科技进步二等奖2次
- Pu, Lingjun; Shi, Jianxin; Yuan, Xinjing; Chen, Xu; Jiao, Lei; Zhang, Tian; Xu, Jingdong. EMS: Erasure-coded Multi-source Streaming for UHD Videos within Cloud Native 5G Networks,TMC 2023,online.(CCF A)
- YuanXinjing,Pulingjun, Jiao Lei, Wang Xiaofei, Yang Meijuan, Xu Jingdong. When Computing Power Network Meets Distributed Machine Learning: An Efficient Federated Split Learning Framework,IWQoS 2023,Accept(CCF B)
- Lingjun Pu; Xiaohang Xu; Xinjing Yuan; Xu Chen; Pan Zhou; Jingdong Xu ; Cost-efficient and Skew-aware Data Scheduling for Incremental Learning in 5G Networks, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications(JSAC). 2022, 40(2): 578-595(SCI一区,影响因子: 11.42, CCF A)
- Jianxing Shi,Pu Lingjun,Xu Jingdong. Sophon: Super-Resolution Enhanced 360° Video Streaming with Visual Saliency-aware Prefetch. ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM 2022),October 10-14, 2022, Lisboa. (CCF A)
- Xinjing Yuan, Lingjun Pu, Jianxin Shi, Qianyun Gong, Jingdong Xu. Muster: Multi-source Streaming for Tile-based 360° Videos within Cloud Native 5G Networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC). accepted(CCF A)
- Jianfeng Zhang, Wensheng Zhang, and Jingdong Xu. StegEdge: Privacy Protection of Unknown Sensitive Attributes in Edge Intelligence via Deception. Journal of Computer Security. 2022. online.(CCF B)
- Jianfeng Zhang, Wensheng Zhang, and Jingdong Xu. Bandwidth-Efficient Multi-Task AI Inference with Dynamic Task Importance for the Internet of Things in Edge Computing. Computer Networks. 2022. online.(CCF B)
- Lingjun Pu, Xu Chen, Jingdong Xu, Xiaoming Fu. Content Retrieval At the Edge: A Social-Aware and Named Data Cooperative Framework. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC). Volume: 7, Issue: 1, Page(s): 135-148, 2019. (SCI二区)
- Wenping Yu, Jianzhong Zhang, Jingdong Xu, Yuwei Xu. An accurate indoor map matching algorithm based on activity detection and crowdsourced Wi-Fi. Science China Technological Sciences. 2019 (SCI二区)
- Lingjun Pu ; Xu Chen ; Guoqiang Mao ; Qinyi Xie ; Jingdong Xu. Chimera: An Energy-efficient and Deadline-aware Hybrid Edge Computing Framework for Vehicular Crowdsensing Applications. IEEE Internet of Things Journal(IoTJ). Volume 6, Issue 1, Page(s): 84-99, 2019. (SCI一区)
- Lingjun Pu; Lei Jiao; Xu Chen; Lin Wang; Qinyi Xie; Jingdong Xu. Online Resource Allocation, Content Placement and Request Routing for Cost-efficient Edge Caching in Cloud Radio Access Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC). Volume 36, Issue 8, Page(s):1751-1767, 2018. (SCI一区, 影响因子: 11.42, CCF A类期刊)
- Lingjun Pu; Xu Chen; Jingdong Xu; Xiaoming Fu. Crowd Foraging: A QoS-oriented Self-organized Mobile Crowdsourcing Framework over Opportunistic Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC).Volume 35, Issue 4, Page(s):848-862, 2017. (SCI一区, 影响因子: 11.42, CCF A类期刊)
- Lingjun Pu; Xu Chen; Jingdong Xu; Xiaoming Fu. D2D Fogging: An Energy-Efficient and Incentive-Aware Task Offloading Framework via Network-assisted D2D Collaboration. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC). Volume: 34, Issue: 12, Page(s): 3887- 3901, 2016. (SCI一区, 影响因子: 11.42, CCF A类期刊)
- Liang He, Zhe Yang, Jianping Pan, Lin Cai, Jingdong Xu, Yu Gu. Evaluating Service Disciplines for On-Demand Mobile Data Collection in Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC). Volume: 13, Issue: 4, Page(s): 797-810, 2014. ( CCF A)
- Liang He, Jianping Pan, Jingdong Xu. A Progressive Approach to Reducing Data Collection Latency in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Elements. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC). Volume: 12, Issue: 7, Page(s): 1308 -1320, 2013. (CCF A)
- Liang He, Linghe Kong, Jun Tao, Jing-Dong Xu and Jianping Pan. On-Demand Mobile Data Collection in Cyber-Physical Systems. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. Accepted. (SCI)
- Pu Lingjun, Xu Jingdong, Yu Bowen, Zhang Jianzhong. "Smart Cafe": A Mobile Local Computing System Based on Indoor Virtual Cloud. China Communications. Volume: 11, Issue: 4, Page(s): 38-49, 2014. (SCI)
- 于博文, 蒲凌君, 谢玉婷, 徐敬东, 张建忠. 移动边缘计算任务卸载和基站关联协同决策问题研究. 计算机研究与发展. Vol.55, No.3, Pages: 537-550, 2018.
- 王昌海, 张建忠, 徐敬东, 许昱玮. 基于HMM的动作识别结果可信度计算方法. 通信学报, Vol.37, No.5, Pages: 143-151, 2016.
- 林进挚, 吴英, 吴功宜, 徐敬东. 一种基于信息物理融合系统的紧耦合网络控制方法. 通信学报, Vol.36, No.2, Pages:126-136, 2015.
- Jianxing Shi,Pu Lingjun,Xu Jingdong. Sophon: Super-Resolution Enhanced 360° Video Streaming with Visual Saliency-aware Prefetch. ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM 2022),accepted (CCF A)
- Jianxin Shi,Lingjun Pu, Xu Jingdong. EC-360: Speeding Up 360◦ Video Streaming Using Tile-based Online Erasure Coding. Globecom 2021.
- Xinjing Yuan, Lingjun Pu, Xiaohang Xu, Jingdong Xu. Explore the Impact of Cellular Resource Allocation on Mobile UHD Video Streaming over 5G UDN. WCNC 2021.
- Xinjing Yuan, Lingjun Pu, Xiaohang Xu, Yuwei Xu, Jingdong Xu. Streaming-Aware Cellular Resource Allocation for UHD Video Streaming over Ultra Dense Network. WCNC 2021. (Best paper Award)
- Qianyun Gong, Chengjin Zhou, Le Qi, Jianbin Li, Jianzhong Zhang, Jingdong Xu. VEIN: High Scalability Routing Algorithm for Blockchain-based Payment Channel Networks. Trustcom 2021.
- Jianxin Shi, Lingjun Pu and Jingdong Xu. Allies: Tile-Based Joint Transcoding, Delivery and Caching of 360° Videos in Edge Cloud Networks. IEEE International Conference On Cloud Computing (IEEE CLOUD 2020).
- Jiangfeng Zhang, Zhang Wensheng, Pu lingjun, Xu Jingdong. QoS Optimization of DNN Serving Systems Based on Per-Request Latency Characteristics. MSM 2020.
- Xinjing Yuan, Lingjun Pu, Ruilin Yun, Jingdong Xu. Tile-based Multi-source Adaptive Streaming for 360-degree Ultra-High-Definition Videos. MSM 2020.
- Mengyao Sun, Lingjun Pu, Jiangzhong Zhang, Jingdong Xu. Matryoshka: Joint Resource Scheduling for Cost-efficient MEC in NGFI-based C-RAN. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2019). May 20-24, 2019. Shanghai, China.
- Lingjun Pu, Xu Chen, Jingdong Xu, Xiaoming Fu. Crowdlet: Optimal Worker Recruitment for Self-Organized Mobile Crowdsourcing. IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2016, CCF A).
- He Liang, Yang Zhe,Pan Jianping,Cai Lin,Xu Jingdong. Evaluating Service Disciplines for Mobile Elements in Wireless Ad Hoc Sensor Networks. The 31st Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications((IEEE INFOCOM 2012, CCF A))
- Ahmadi, M., Liang He, Jianping Pan, Jingdong Xu, Maryam Ahmadi. A Partition-based Data Collection Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks with a Mobile Sink. The 15th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2012)
- He Liang, Pan Jianping, Xu Jingdong. Analysis on Data Collection with Multiple Mobile Elements in Wireless Sensor Networks. 2011 IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM 2011) (Best Paper Award)
- 16. He Liang, Pan Jianping, Xu Jingdong. An On-Demand Data Collection Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Elements. The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2011)
- 《计算机网络》(第四版),清华大学出版社,国家级规划教材,2021年
- 《计算机网络技术与应用》,清华大学出版社,高等学校计算机教材建设立项项目支持,2019年
- 《计算机网络技术与实验》,清华大学出版社,高等学校计算机教材建设立项项目支持,2016年。
- 《计算机网络实验指导书》》(第三版),清华大学出版社,普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材,2013年
- 计算机网络(天津市线下一流本科课程),本科
- 网络技术与应用(首批国家级线下一流本科课程、天津市线下一流本科课程),本科
- 移动计算与无线网络,硕士、博士